Bulk Image Converter

Bulk Image Converter is a simple web application that allows user to easily convert one or more images.

The script can be used as an image converting service website or can be integrated into a page of an existing website as a useful tool for your site users and is designed to be simple to integrate Google Adsense or other ads into.

User Features:

  • Upload a single image or a zip archive of images.
  • Specify resize options.
  • Add watermark text.
  • Convert images to a different format.
  • Download converted images as a zip archive.

Script Features:

  • Supports jpeg, gif and png image formats and zip archives.
  • Unencrypted source code so you can customize it.
  • Separate language file for easy translation and customization of text in the script.
  • Easy to customize design by editing css stylesheet or directly editing template file.
  • Free updates.
  • No database required.
  • Easy integration with adsense or other ads by entering ad code in the configuration file.


  1. Requirements
  2. Installation
  3. Customization


  • recent version of php (4 or 5)
  • gd library / extension installed with support for reading and writing png, gif and jpeg images
  • freetype support required for using fonts and specifying size for watermarks, otherwise built in (small) font is used.
  • Apache web server (may work on others, not tested though)
  • php zip extension *recommended* for processing zip archives. If not present, a 3rd party library written in php is used which is slower.
  • php zlib extension *required* for processing zip archives
  • reasonably large values specified for the following settings relating to uploading and processing files in your php.ini file – consult your webhost if unsure:
    • max_input_time
    • memory_limit
    • post_max_size
    • upload_max_filesize


Installing phpAce Bulk Image Converter is relatively simple.

  1. Rename the configuration file “config.php.sample” to “config.php”
  2. Edit the “config.php” file with the settings you want to use.
  3. Upload all the files to the directory on your server where you want to install the script.
  4. Change the permissions on the “temp” directory so that the script can create subdirectories and files in it. Consult your web host if you are unsure of how to do this.

If you want to embed the script in an existing php page of your website you need to:

  1. change the configuration option “standalone” to 0
  2. link to this script’s css stylesheet in your script’s section or copy and past the styles.css content into your own stylesheet,modifying the path to the ‘loading.gif’ image in your own stylesheet if you want it to still display.
  3. add the php code (surrounded in php tags if neccessary ) to your script where you want it to display:

The script should now be installed.


Changing the texts / translating the script

  • Make a copy of the “default.php” file in the translations directory and save it with a new name (for example “custom.php”)
  • Edit the relevant variables in this file.
  • Edit the config.php file and enter the name of your translations file without the .php as the value for the $pabi_config[‘language’] setting, eg.
  • It is recommended you edit a copy of this file rather than the original “default.php” so that when updates to the script are released your translations and modifications are not overwritten.

Changing the style

  • You can edit the styles.css file that comes with the script directly, but it is recommended to make a copy of it instead, named for example “mystyles.css” and edit that.
  • You should then edit the $pabi_config[‘stylesheet’] variable (in the config.php file) with the name of your stylesheet, eg: $pabi_config[‘stylesheet’] = ‘mystyles.css’;
  • Doing this instead of editing the styles.css directly means that your modifications won’t be overwritten when installing updates to the script.

Editing the layout template

You can either:

  • directly edit the file “layout.phtml” (not recommended)
  • or copy it with a new filename, edit that directly, and enter the new filename in the $pabi_config[‘template’] option in the config.php file.

The second option is recommended as your changes will not be overwritten if you update the script to a newer version in the future.

Download from GitHub.